Sunday, March 11, 2012

Take two-The game plan

I ran day one of couch to 5K today.  Shod, in the saucony's that I posted about previously.  Yes I have not run since then, this is truly going to be a couch to 5K.  I have 30 lbs to lose.  My plan is to run every other day, my non run days I will be doing the 100 push-up plan.  I would like to get back on the Eat Stop Eat IF wagon, and fast Monday night to Tuesday night, then Thursday to Friday nights.  Other goals that have to do with weight loss are to cut out sugar as well as diet soda.  I want to use this blog to help me stay focused on my goals.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Introduction and the night before my first run

Originally posted 12-29-2010
I have created this blog to document my journey from my couch to my goal of running a 100 mile ultra, hopefully Leadville.  Tonight is the night before my first run and already I am looking for excuses to skip out.  Now for a little bit of background.  I ran three years of varsity cross country in High School 1995-1998.   In 2003 I ran the San Diego Rock N Roll marathon, that was the highlight of my running career.  I started to run again 2 years ago when my step-daughter joined the ranks of her high school cross country team.  At some point I picked up Born to Run by McDougall and began to slowly run barefoot.  Just over a year ago I was up to five miles unshod before I broke my leg walking down stairs at home.  That put a 6 month hold on running, and I haven't run since.  So now as I write this I am tipping the scales at 195 lbs, the heaviest I have ever been in my life.  Truly an underweight fat guy.  I am committed to starting running again before the new year starts off, the last thing I want is to have my running passed of as a new years resolution phase.  I will be running barefoot when weather, and form permit, but during the cold season, bumping  up my mileage, and when I need my feet to be re-cooperating I will be running in minimalist shoes, specifically the Saucony Kilkenny XC shoe, while it has a very aggressive tread pattern they are very light and have almost no heel.  I plan to use the couch to 5k program to began and then will adopt another training program as my training progresses.